'Pack of wolves', ...
The three in front are old and weak, they walk forward to adjust the pace of the group in case of a race, so they don’t fall behind them.
The next five are the strongest and the most robust, they have the task of protecting the front in case of attack.
The group in the middle is always protected against any attack.
The five behind them are also among the strongest and the best; they are in charge of protecting the rear in case of attack.
'The last one is the boss'.
Making sure no one is left behind. Keeps the package united and on the same path. He’s always ready to run in any direction to protect and serve as "Bodyguard" to the whole group.
Just in case anyone wanted to know what being a leader really means.
It's not about being ahead. It means taking care of the team!
https://fb.watch/qM7i6o8ole/?mibextid=w8EBqM {"place":"Russia","placeid":"ChIJ-yRniZpWPEURE_YRZvj9CRQ","address":"13а, Krasnoyarskiy kray, Russia, 648591","latlon":"61.52401,105.318756"}